Tickets for our Virtual Production went on sale this week! Find out more here and learn more about Bonnie O’Rourke, one of our 2021 RIWCP choreographers, below.
Photo by Christopher Stella
Bonnie O’Rourke is a dancer, choreographer and Pilates instructor. She’s been dancing professionally in New York since 2014, established her own company BOM DIGGS in 2015, and became Pilates certified through Gramercy Pilates in 2019. She’s taught and shown work in Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut, including Grand Valley State University (2013) and Manhattanville College (2021).
Bonnie on her RIWCP experience: “Never stop learning. My goal in my career is continuously evolve as a choreographer and never build boundaries. Having a mentor along the way in this process allowed me to see opportunities I had blinders to and challenged me to look beyond the obvious.”
Still from Film Shot by Rose Lu
Rapid Fire Questions with Bonnie:
How long have you been choreographing?
10 years
If you could have any choreographer, dead or alive, create a new work on you, who would you choose?
Crystal Pite
When you’re not choreographing, how do you like to spend your time?
Hiking and doing ANYTHING outside.
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being a performing artist?
There’s no one way of going about this career. Every journey is different and those who create the most interesting work don’t follow the path of those before them. Failing is part of everyone’s career.
What was your first job?
Favorite emoji?
I’m a giphy fan.
Favorite food?
Currently on a cashew curry kick.
Dog person or cat person?
dog person with 2 cats.
Ideal travel destination?
Banff, Canada
What are you most looking forward to in 2021?
Working as an artist again.
Still from Film Shot by Rose Lu
Check out more of Bonnie’s work on her website, and in our 2021 Project!